20.07.2018 Doctoral Defense Éricles Sousa

Picture of Ericles Sousa with his doctoral hat

On 20 July 2018, Éricles Sousa had the defense of his doctoral thesis “Memory and Interface Architectures for Invasive Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays / Speicher- und Schnittstellenarchitekturen für invasive eng gekoppelte Prozessorfelder” and received his Brasilian style doctor hat from Prof. Teich.

Prof. Stechele (TUM), É. Sousa, Prof. Teich, Prof. Wanka, Prof. Weigel (FAU) (from the left) standing next to each other in staff room of HSCD Chair smiling
Prof. Stechele (TUM), É. Sousa, Prof. Teich, Prof. Wanka, Prof. Weigel (FAU) (from the left)